1981年于美国成军的前卫电子合成音乐传奇团体Eurythmics,自1983年首张专辑<In The Garden>推出后,一直以奇特的前卫幻化音符与精緻的合成效果以及女主唱Annie Lennox的实力唱腔而独树一帜,于80年代英美两地独领风骚。在陆续发表的10张专辑中(包括91年精选辑<Greatest Hits>),共创下了10首Top 40单曲及荣获5座葛莱美音乐奖提名的殊荣,包括83年成名冠军曲<Sweet Dreams>、<There Must Be An Angel(Playing With My Heary)>、<Here Comes The Rain Again>、<Would I Lie To You>、<Miracle Of Love>等佳作。虽然该团于1989年解散,2位灵魂人物戴维史都华及安妮蓝妮克丝(于92年发表个人首张专辑及95年的第一张专辑<Medusa>)却继续在歌坛展露惊人成就。就在他们解散的第10年传出他们将複合的讯息,而这个惊动乐界的大好讯息于99年年初被证实,并将于99年底携手共同合作最新专辑,这张让全球媒体头条报导,让乐迷欣喜若狂的专辑,仍维持他们一贯唯美浪漫的风格,首支单曲<I Saved The World Today>,光是听到Annie Lennox的嗓音,就让人快要流下眼泪,尤其当整个管弦乐团加入后,更证明Eurythmics绝对能用他们的音乐拯救全世界的人类;开场曲<17 Again>表达了昨日重现的中年感伤,最特别的是它在巧妙的将<Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)>加入;以空心吉他穿全场的<Beautiful Child>,Dave Stewart发挥他将情感渲染音乐
音乐风格合成器流行,Synth Pop
by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Nearly a decade after Eurythmics went on an unannounced, virtually unnoticed hiatus in 1990,Annie LennoxandDave Stewartreturned with the heavily publicizedPeace.
Both Lennox and Stewart had been silent since 1995, which means that reuniting really wasn't a sacrifice, since their solo careers had stalled. In fact, it was a wise idea to re-team, both commercially and artistically, since their best and most popular music was made together. What's odd is thatPeacestrongly resemblesLennox'sDiva. True, Eurythmics were moving toward the melodramatic grandeur of Diva on their final '80s album,We Too Are One, yet they still had an innate sense of quirkiness and a desire to take risks. In 1999, they're more about craft, which only emphasizes the maturity of the music. That's not entirely a bad thing, even if it means thatPeaceneeds a couple of spins before the songs begin to register.Lennox and Stewart know how to write gently insinuating melodies and how to layer their tracks with small sonic details, weaving lush tapestries of sound.Peacekeeps its alluring mood throughout; even when they attempt to revisit their Stones-y tendencies, the songs play as sleekly and smoothly as the ballads that dominate the record. In one sense, that's good, because it means thatPeacekeeps a consistent tone from front to back, but it also means that most of the songs blend together. There are no standout singles here, and that's the hardest thing to accept about the record since Eurythmics were one of the best singles bands of the '80s. Even so,Peaceis a successful debut for Eurythmics, Mark II -- it's classy adult pop, delivered with style and grace.
Peace, Eurythmics's first studio album in a decade, finds Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart proving the durability of their musical bond. Where their solo efforts were usually well crafted and unexciting, Peace makes clear how inspired the two can be when working together. The ballad (and first U.S. single) "17 Again" is nice if overly sentimental; the reprise of "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" at the end treads Stinglike ground to little appreciable effect. But songs such as "I Saved the World Today" and "Beautiful Child" vividly return to the depth of Touch and Be Yourself Tonight while updating Eurythmics's chemistry for 1999. In short, Peace is a happy surprise that will find listeners hoping for more. --Rickey Wright
01. 17 Again
02. I Saved the World Today
03.Power to the Meek
04. Beautiful Child
05. Anything But Strong
06. Peace Is Just a Word
07. I've Tried Everything
08. I Want It All
09. My True Love
10. Forever
11. Lifted
PEACE是和平牌香菸。“peace(和平)”牌香菸面世于二战结束的1945年,製造商是联合国驻日的美国总司令部(american general headquarters)。1952年,《旧金山对日讲和条约》生效后,美军撤离日本,“peace(和平)”牌香菸也重新设计了logo(上图右)。如果仔细观察的话,不难辨别新版的logo是一只倒立的和平鸽。客人拿了一个“peace(和平)"的香菸壳,问我对此logo有何想法。我说,从纯粹视觉印象上来讲,这只金色、坚韧并且倒立着的和平鸽给我父权、权利的感觉。客人笑。他画了一个“帝”字给我,接着把“帝”倒了过来,竟然是“peace(和平)"香菸壳上的这只和平鸽。明治维新之后到二战结束这近80年间,天皇是最高权利的象徵。1945年日本投降,在美国的主持下建立议会民主制,重立宪法,天皇仅仅作为象徵性的国家元首保留下来。所以呢,“peace(和平)"香菸壳上的这只和平鸽同样隐喻了帝王的颠覆。和平牌香菸