1961年出生的El Debarge是黑白混血,曾经是有全家组成的组合DeBarge的主唱,该歌手曲风为R&B,善于运用假声演绎表达爱情的歌曲。在Rhythm Of the Night大获成功后,Motown老闆Berry Gordy鼓励他单飞做音乐。在Motown期间,他共出过两张个人专辑,第2张专辑虽然受到好评,却被市场忽略。
后来El Debarge签约华纳,发行第3张专辑。其中的"You Know What I Like"在Billboard的R&B榜上取得了14名的成绩。儘管乐评人对El Debarge的柔情演绎大加好评,专辑并没有上销量榜。第4张专辑"Heart, Mind and Soul"与着名音乐人Babyface合作,专辑中几首歌获得了有限的成功,该专辑仍然没有大卖。
El Debarge事业不顺其实和他沾染毒品有关。2001年他因携带古柯硷而被捕,2006年因携带违禁药品被捕,2007年因家庭纠纷被捕。2008年由于毒品问题被捕。这以后,El明白如果再不戒毒的话,他的事业将无法前进。于是他悔过自新参加戒毒,决心做一个虔诚的基督徒。2009年他被释放出狱。
我最初认识他还是听了他的【Heart, Mind & Soul】后来开始了解他,了解到他他本名Eldra Patrick Debarge,是80年代大名鼎鼎的Funk家族组合Debarge的首席主唱,该组合在80年代中前期创作了众多金曲如“All This Love”,“Love Me in a Special Way”,“Who's Holding Donna Now”,“Rhythm Of The Night”等等,可以说,Debarge家族在乐坛的影响力并不逊于Jackson家族。
1985年随着El Debarge的离开,组合随之解散。El Debarge在次年发行了首张同名专辑,其中的主打曲“Who's Johnny”挟Debarge主唱的余威,在当年排行榜上力压群雄傲居榜首。1989年,El Debarge与几位大神Barry White,Al B. Sure!和James Ingram合作并由Quincy Jones製作的单曲“The Secret Garden”也理所的成为了传世经典。1992年的《In The Storm》是其第三张个人专辑,其中单曲“You Know What I Like”轻鬆跻身R&B榜第14位,另两支单曲“My Heart Belongs To You”与“Another Chance”也相继杀入榜单。之后的1994年,El Debarge与Babyface合作推出了专辑《Heart, Mind & Soul》,自然又是一篇华丽的骚灵绝唱。不过我个人更喜欢92年的《In The Storm》。
El Debarge的阴柔声线与其儒雅形象十分相衬,这在黑人中算是不多见的。他的声音高亢细腻,张力十足。可惜这位老兄在95年之前春风得意,之后却与毒品,酗酒,入狱等负面新闻纠缠不清,个人事业严重受挫,沦为他人幕后製作或配唱,2003年发行了一张精选辑,已是风光不再。2010年的新专辑分2张CD,第二张CD特地收录了为假日录製的圣诞歌曲。该专辑中的单曲"Second Chance"已经获得2011年“最佳R&B男声演唱”和“最佳R&B歌曲”两项格莱美提名。2010年他开始了20年演艺生涯的巡迴演出,并作为Mary J Blige演唱会的开场嘉宾。种种迹象表明他已经在改过自新。我相信他会重新站起来,为我们带来更好的音乐,让我们拭目以待吧!
英语 歌曲12首
发布于 2011-01
Second Chance
英语 歌曲16首
发布于 2010-11-30
Second Chance
英语 歌曲1首
发布于 2010-08
Heart Mind & Soul
英语 歌曲11首
发布于 1994-02-14
by Craig LytleSeeking the appeal he enjoyed while signed to Motown, El DeBarge released his second project under the WEA family. In contrast to many of his projects DeBarge gives the producer's chair on most selections to several industry veterans, including prolific songwriter and producer
In the Storm
英语 歌曲19首
发布于 1992-03-17
by Craig Lytle After seven years with Motown in which he experienced moderate success as the lead vocalist for the group DeBarge and also as a soloist El DeBarge attempted to step into his own. In the Storm was the debut album for the Warner label for the Grand Rapids, Michigan native. Obviously showing much appreciation for his idol
英语 歌曲10首
发布于 1989-02-14
by Jason Elias El DeBarge's first solo effort failed to suitably lure the pop audience and disenchanted R&B many fans. 1989's Gemini comes close to achieve the potential of a solo DeBarge. Since Gemini is a self-production and DeBarge had a hand in six of the eight tracks, it bares his harmonic imprint. In every way Gemini makes good on DeBarge's and is more adventurous than many R&B albums were at the time. Although his earlier dancefloor endeavors were patently clunky。
El DeBarge
英语 歌曲0首
发布于 1986-02-14
by Jason EliasThis is the first solo album from the talented writer/producer/singer El DeBarge. Released in 1986, the self-titled album was the expected next step. After recording four albums with his siblings, the success of the 1985 hit singles "Rhythm of the Night" and "Who's Holding Donna Now" all but swung the doors open for a solo career. While the setup and idea are still exciting on paper, El DeBarge is a disappointment. That being said, there are some high points here.