In Between(林肯公园歌曲)
生活百科 2023-01-25 19:32生活百科
In Between(林肯公园歌曲)
- 作品名称in between
- 外文名称in between
- 作品别名in between
- 创作年代2007年5月
- 作品出处专辑《Minutes To Midnight》
- 文学体裁摇滚
- 作者Linkin park
- 语言英语
专辑《Minutes To Midnight》 中文译名末日警钟毁灭·新生
歌手Linkin Park 林肯公园上市时间
2003年的《流星圣殿(Meteora)》之后,已经有四年没有发表全新专辑的“林肯公园”在全球乐迷屏息以待,倒数着“林肯公园”新专辑《Minutes to Midnight》的问世之下,这个让所有乐迷望眼欲穿的全新录音室大碟《Minutes to Midnight》,终于决定在5月中旬隆重问市。
专辑Minutes to Midnight
《Minutes to Midnight》是Linkin Park的第三张专辑。
专辑主题跟以往Linkin Park所触及的创作主题比起来显得特别深沉、格外引人省思,但却也自我唤醒我们每一个人的危机意识。专辑标题《Minutes to Midnight》想要表达出的其实就是“世界末日警钟(Doomsday Clock)”的概念!
“世界末日警钟(Doomsday Clock)”是源自于美国二次世界大战时期,当美国在日本长崎及广岛投下两颗核子弹之后,在1974年由一群芝加哥大学研究原子科学的科学家们(Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago)所一起创立的概念。科学家们以“世界末日警钟(Doomsday Clock)”这个虚拟的定时器,来警惕人类将因过度使用核武,而导致自我灭亡。
主唱Chester表示“创立这个末日钟的目的就是要提醒世人,虽然人类拥有巨大力量,但当这股毁灭性力量反扑之时,我们都该仔细思考这股威力带来的严重影响,转眼之间世界末日已进入倒数计时。这个极具争议性的主题,在几年前我们是完全不会触及的,当年我们在製作《Hybrid Theory》专辑时,我是团里最年长的,但年纪也只有23岁,当时的我们不觉得这个议题十分重要,但现在的我们却认为它跟我们息息相关。这张专辑所比喻的“午夜”的概念,不单单只有指涉地球遭到人类破坏的这种巨观层面,也映像出Linkin Park自我的微观层面
1. Wake
2. Given Up
3. Leave Out All The Rest
4. Bleed It Out
5. Shadow Of The Day
6. What I've Done
7. Hands Held High
8. No More Sorrow
9. Valentine's Day
10. In Between
11. In Pieces
12. The Little Things Give You Away
13. No Roads Left (iTunes Exclusive) (Pre-Order Only)
14. What I've Done (Distorted Remix) (Bonus Track)
15. Given Up (Third Encore Session) (Bonus Track)
Let me apologize to begin with 容许我以道歉作开场
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 容许我为接下来的独白道歉
But trying to be genuine was harder than it seemed 但努力变得真诚比看起来要辛苦
And somehow I got caught up in between 不知为何我被夹在中间进退维谷
Let me apologize to begin with 让我以道歉作开场白
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 让我为接下来的独白道歉
But trying to be someone else was harder than it seemed 但努力变得真诚比看起来要痛苦
And somehow I got caught up in between 不知为何我被夹在中间进退维谷
Between my pride and my promise 夹在我的自尊和诺言之间
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 夹在我的谎言和真实的接踵之间
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的话在对你说之前就消失无影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虚空
Let me apologize to begin with 容许我以道歉作开场
Let me apologize for what I'm about to say 容许我为接下来的独白道歉
But trying to regain your trust was harder than it seemed 但努力再得到你的信任比看起来要痛苦
And somehow I got caught up in between 不知为何我被夹在中间进退维谷
Between my pride and my promise 夹在我的自尊和诺言之间
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 夹在我的谎言和真实的接踵之间
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的话在对你说出来之前就消失无影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虚空
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虚空
And I cannot explain to you 而且在我说出、完成、计画的任何事之内
In anything I say or do or plan 我无法向你解释
Fear is not afraid of you 恐惧并不害怕你
But guilty is a language you can understand 但内疚是你可以理解的语言
I cannot explain to you 在我说出、完成的任何事之内
In anything I say or do 我无法向你解释
But hope the actions speak the words they can 但我希望行动能代替我的语言
For my pride and my promise 为了我的自尊和诺言
For my lies and how the truth gets in the way 为了我的谎言和真实的接踵
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的话在对你说出来之前就消失无影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is 唯一比唯一更沉重的是
Pride and my promise 自尊和诺言
Between my lies and how the truth gets in the way 夹在我的谎言和真实的接踵之间
The things I want to say to you get lost before they come 我的话在对你说出来之前就消失无影蹤
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虚空
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虚空
The only thing that's worse than one is none 唯一比唯一更沉重的是虚空
下一篇:diGitaL(justin bieber演唱的歌曲)