Shadow Team是游戏中的角色之一,所属阵营是Nod。
- 中文名Shadow Team
- 生产成本800块
- 生产时间8秒
- 所属阵营Nod
角色 | 特种部队 |
武器 | 两把带有光学瞄準镜的手枪,滑翔翼,遥控炸弹包(其实就是即时炸弹) |
防御系统 | 光学隐身护甲 |
生产建筑 | Nod之手 |
功能 | |
特殊能力 | 滑翔,隐形,遥控炸弹(两发可炸电厂),部署火炮信标 |
“ | The wings of Nod.(nod之翼) - 影子小队 | ” |
影子小队曾被像忍者那样训练他们那杰出的隐身和渗透能力。就像他们着名的祖先,影子小队能够看似从无到有以闪电般的速度移动,通常以四人一组。也许这就是他们被训练隐身的原因。影子小队身着全套由有机玻璃製成的人体力学轻型防弹衣、头盔和呼吸器。装甲装备可摺叠的动力滑翔翼,给予他们飞行的能力。在战斗中,他们挥舞两把全自动手枪,迅速干掉敌军步兵。他们还携带一种特殊的炸药,可以破坏敌军建筑中重要的结构,这种武器是Nod间谍从GDI实验室偷来的。 GDI,在影子小队部署后不久,就开始实行了一些边境安全措施,特别是影子小队的情报工作。在认识到有狙击手引导的神像的效力后,Nod给影子小队装备了特殊的人工信标,这些信标可以让幽魂火炮释放毁灭性的弹幕攻击。影子小队也可以在飞行中释放信标。 虽然很强力,影子小队也有几个弱点。,在滑翔时他们无法保护自己,有反隐和防空能力的单位可以很快解决掉他们。第二,虽然打步兵很快,他们携带的冲锋鎗对绝大多数载具无效。这种枪射程不远。如果他们的目标没被清除,因为缺少护甲,影子小队也会陷入危险。狙击手和机械蜂也很擅长消灭他们。 历史在前两次泰伯利亚战争中Nod隐形步兵就已经存在了。在第一次泰伯利亚战争中,Nod让黑手精英步兵穿上隐形服作战。他们成为了GDI的一大危险敌人。二次泰战中Nod在特殊任务中使用了"变色龙"间谍。在火线危机以后Nod利用了这些先前的效果创造出了影子小队。凯恩在他的亲信AI Legion指挥的夺回GDI的科技和离子炮计画的战役时部署了几队影子小队来完成任务。(就是凯恩之怒第五关啦)游戏中的单位影子小队很脆弱,需要你的帮助。你可以通过展开来帮助他们。详情请看讨论页。影子小队与狙击手很相像,比如克步兵,隐形,像是自己的武器的观察员一样(这句不知道什幺意思。。乱翻。。),需要步兵科技中心。影子小队适合连打带跑战术。他们可以潜入敌方基地摧毁重要建筑比如电厂和重工。不像ZT这种万金油,他们需要的是创造性的打法。
In-Game Unit
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They Shadow Teams are comparable to the GDI Sniper Teams in ways such as their strong damage towards infantry, their stealth, acting as spotters for their respective artillery pieces and their Tech tree requirements of an infantry Tech Center. Shadow Teams are excellent for hit and run tactics, as they can slip into enemy bases and take down key structures such as power plants and war factories. They are not nearly as resilient as Zone Raider or other heavy infantry, and should be used inventively.
Very fast infantry unit, capable of evading most vehicles and infantry with ease. Carry explosives that can damage or destroy key structures Machine Pistols give them the ability to kill most types of infantry in mere seconds, including commando's Gliders enable Shadow Teams to attack from otherwise inexcessible routes. Excellent for scouting and placing beacons for Specter artillery strikes.
Machine pistols are utterly useless against heavily armored vehicles and structures. Shadow Team explosives do a set damage rather than instantly kill structures like Commandos' Explosives, so may require multiple uses. Shadow Team explosives have a cooldown. Very weak armor, only takes a few seconds to cut a shadow team down. Very vulnerable to snipers and other stealth detection systems. Stronger Infantry can take and do damage more quickly, and more numerous infantry can overwhelm them. Helpless when using gliders against anti-air defenses. Unable to take out walkers with explosives Very small squads at a max of four per squad. Expensive(800 credits)