- 中文名河北大学光信息技术创新中心
- 外文名Photonics Information Innovation Center (PIIC)
姚晓天 教授、主任
冯亭 副教授
苏亚 副教授
郝鹏 研究员
吴胜保 副教授
潘婷 助理实验师
2016-06-30 河北省自然科学基金青年基金项目-苏亚
2016-06-30 河北省自然科学基金青年基金项目-冯亭
2015-08-30 国家人社部留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目-冯亭
2015-06-02 河北省高等学校科学技术研究青年基金项目-冯亭
2015-06-02 河北省高等学校高层次人才科学研究项目-姚晓天
2014-05-01 中西部高校综合实力提升工程人才经费资助项目-姚晓天
序号 | 会议级别 | 参加会议名称 | 参会人员 | 报告题目 |
1 | 国际学术会议 | CLEO: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2018 | 冯亭 | Distributed Measurement of Bending-Induced Birefringence in Single-Mode Fibers with PA-OFDR |
2 | 国际学术会议 | The 11th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics | 冯亭 | Novel multi-wavelength fiber lasers with simple structures(海报,不收录) |
3 | 国际学术会议 | Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) | 冯亭、张泽恆、王明明 | 1、Half-Open Cavity Multi-Wavelength Random Fiber Laser with Superimposed Fiber Bragg Gratings as One Reflector 2、Multi-Wavelength Random Fiber Laser with Superimposed Fiber Bragg Gratings as One Reflector 3、Demonstration of Liquid Pressure Fiber Sensing Based on Distributed Polarization Crosstalk Analysis |
4 | 国内学术会议 | 2018年全国光机电技术及系统学术会议 | 冯亭、张泽恆 | 一种基于分散式偏振串扰分析系统的保偏光纤液压感测方案;(口头报告,不收录) |
5 | 国内学术会议 | 2018年全国光机电技术及系统学术会议 | 王来龙,郝鹏 | 基于神经网路的光纤电流感测器温度补偿(口头报告) |
6 | 国际学术会议 | Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2018) | 吴胜保 | Polarization Beam Splitter for Silicon-based Cross-slot Waveguides Using an Asymmetrical Evanescent Coupling System |
7 | 国际学术会议 | CLEO: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics | 苏亚 | Dermis-simulating phantom for noninvasive blood glucose sensing with OCT |
8 | 国际学术会议 | The 11th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics | 苏亚 | OCT based A new dermis-simulating phantom for noninvasive blood glucose sensing |
[1] Ting Feng, Yanling Shang, Xichen Wang, Shengbao Wu, Anton Khomenko, Xiaojun Chen and X. Steve Yao, “Distributed polarization analysis with binary polarization rotators for the accurate measurement of distance-resolved birefringence along a single-mode fiber” Optics Express (2018) 26(20), 25989-26002 (SCI检索 JCR二区 TOP)
[2] Ting Feng, Mingming Wang, Meili Jiang, Xichen Wang, Fengping Yan, Yuping Suo and X. Steve Yao, “C-band 41-wavelength-switchable SLM fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth and high stability using a wide-band chirped Moiré fiber Bragg grating” Laser Physics Letters (2019) 16(2): 025106 (SCI检索)
[3] Yanling Shang, Ting Feng, Xichen Wang, Anton Khomenko, James Chen and X. Steve Yao, “Distributed Measurement of Bending-Induced Birefringence in Single-Mode Fibers with PA-OFDR. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2018 May 12-18, San Jose, California, Optical Society of America. (Ei Compendex检索)
[4] Zeheng Zhang, Ting Feng, Xichen Wang, Yanling Shang, Mingming Wang and X. Steve Yao, “Demonstration of Liquid Pressure Fiber Sensing Based on Distributed Polarization Crosstalk Analysis”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2018, Oct. 26-29, Hangzhou, Zhejing, China. IEEE Xplore. (Ei Compendex检索)
[5] Mingming Wang, Ting Feng, Weidong Lai and X. Steve Yao, “Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Fiber Laser with Effective Suppression of the Number of Longitudinal Modes”, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2018, Oct. 26-29, Hangzhou, Zhejing, China. IEEE Xplore. (Ei Compendex检索)
[6]Guoqing Yang, X. Steve Yao, Ya Su, Suling Liu, Ting Feng, Lei Chen, Hongjie Wang, Wenping Li, “Dermis-simulating phantom for noninvasive blood glucose sensing with OCT,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America, 2018), p. JTu2A.98. (EI Compendex检索)
[1] Fu, Lei, Wenping Li, Ya Su, Yimin Wang, Lei Chen, Hongjie Wang, and X Steve Yao. "Fast transversal flow vector resolving with high spatial resolution reachable using speckle decorrelation optical coherence tomography." In International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, W3A. 125. Optical Society of America.2017.
[2] Ting Feng, Mingming Wang, Dongliang Ding, and X Steve Yao, “High OSNR and simple configuration dual-wavelength fiber laser with wide tunability in S+C+L band” Chinese Optics Letters 15(11): 110602, 2017. (SCI检索)
[3] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Zhihong Li and X Steve Yao, “First Quantitative Determination of Birefringence Variations Induced by Axial-Strain in Polarization Maintaining Fibers” Journal of Lightwave Technology (2017) 35(22) 4937-4942 (SCI检索 JCR二区)
[4] Lei Fu, Ya Su, Yimin Wang, Lei Chen, Wenping Li, Hongjie Wang, Zhihong Li, and X Steve Yao. "Rapid Measurement of Transversal Flow Velocity Vector with High Spatial Resolution Using Speckle Decorrelation Optical Coherence Tomography." Optics Letters 42, no. 18 (2017): 3545-48. (SCI检索 JCR二区)
[5] Zexi Xu, X Steve Yao, Zhenyang Ding, Xiaojun James Chen, Xin Zhao, Hao Xiao, Ting Feng, and Tiegen Liu, "Accurate measurements of circular and residual linear birefringences of spun fibers using binary polarization rotators," Opt. Express 25, 30780-30792 (2017).
[1] Changjiang Wei, Hongxin Chen,Xiaojun Chen, David Chen,Zhihong Li, X. Steve Yao. “Distributed transverse stress measurement along an optic fiber using polarimetric OFDR.” Optics Letters, 2016, 41(12): 2819-2822.
[2] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao, Changjiang Wei, Yimin Wang, Hongjie Wang, Zhihong Li, Determination of the pressure coefficient of optical attenuation in different layers of in-vivo human skins with optical coherence tomography, Photonics Journal, 2016, 8(1): 3800110.
[3] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Fengping Yan, Ziwei Zhao, Hongxin Su and X. Steve Yao, “Widely tunable single-/dual-wavelength fiber lasers with ultra-narrow linewidth and high OSNR using high quality passive subring cavity and novel tuning method.” Optics Express, 2016, 24(17) : 19760-19768.
[4] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Ziwei Zhao, Hongxin Su, Fengping Yan and X. Steve Yao, Switchable 10 nm-spaced dual-wavelength SLM fiber laser with sub-kHz linewidth and high OSNR using a novel multiple-ring configuration[J]. Laser Physics Letters, 2016, 13(10):105104.
[5] Yimin Wang, David Huang, Ya Su, X. Steve Yao, "Two-dimensional phase unwrapping in Doppler Fourier domain optical coherence tomography", Optics express, 2016, 24(23): 26129- 26145.
[6] Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Peng Liu, Hongxin Su and X. Steve Yao.Widely tunable/wavelength-swept SLM fiber laser with ultra-narrow linewidth and ultra-high OS[J]. Optoelectronics Letters, 2016, 12(6): 433-436.
[7] Hongxin Su, Ziwei Zhao, Ting Feng, Dongliang Ding, Zhihong Li, X. Steve Yao. Demonstration of distributed fiber-optic temperature sensing with PM fiber using polarization crosstalk analysis technique” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2016. International Society for Optics and Photonics, Oct. 11-14, Beijing, China.
[8] Ya Su, Huiqing Liu, X. Steve Yao, et al. Two-dimensional correlation between blood glucose and optical scattering for noninvasive blood glucose sensing with optical coherence tomography in Conference on Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JW4A.115.
[9] Dongliang Ding, Ting Feng, Ziwei Zhao, Hongxin Su, Zhihong Li and X. Steve Yao, "Demonstrati on of distributed fiber optic temperature sensing using polarization crosstalk analysis," in Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTu5A.105.
[10] Huiqing Liu, Ya Su, X. Steve Yao, Changjiang Wei, Zhihong Li, “Quality inspection of solar cells by optical coherence tomography,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (2016) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper JTh2A.9.
[1] 苏亚, 孟卓, 于海民, 王志龙, 刘铁根, 姚晓天等. OCT无创检测技术的人体血糖平衡延迟时间研究[J]. 雷射技术, 2015, 39(1):19-22.
[2] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao, Zhihong Li, Zhuo Meng, Tiegen Liu, Longzhi Wang. “Measurements of the thermal coefficient of optical attenuation at different depth regions of in vivo human skins using optical coherence tomography: a pilot study”, Biomedical Optics Express, 2015,6(2): 500-513.
[3] Zhang R, Liu T, Han Q, Chen Y, Li L, X. Steve Yao. Temperature cross sensitivitycharacteristics of singlemode–multimode–singlemode fiber structure[J]. Review of ScientificInstruments, 2015, 86(1):7937.
[4] Zhihong Li, X. Steve Yao, Xiaojun Chen, Meng Zhuo. Complete Characterization ofPolarization- Maintaining Fibers Using Distributed Polarization Analysis[J]. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2015, 33(2):372-380.
[5] Zhihong Li, Meng, Zhuo, Wang, LongZhi Wang, Tiegen Liu, X. Steve Yao. Tomographic Inspection of Fiber Coils Using Optical Coherence Tomography[J]. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2015, 27(5):549-552.
[1] 苏亚, 孟卓, 王龙志, 于海民, 刘铁根, 姚晓天. 光学相干层析无创血糖检测中相关性分析及标定研究[J]. 中国雷射, 2014, 41(7): 0704002.
[2] 苏红新,徐丽晶,陈金忠,李旭,温暖. ”雷射处理水溶液对ICP光源辐射的增强作用” 《光谱学与光谱分析》(2014)34(6):1667-1670
[3] Ya Su, X. Steve Yao, Zhuo Meng, Longzhi Wang, Haimin Yu, Tiegen Liu. Effect of temperature on noninvasive blood glucose monitoring in vivo using optical coherence tomography[J], Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, 12(11): 111701.
[4] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Shou Liu, Yan Bai, Wanjing Peng and Siyu Tan “Switchable and tunable single-longitudinal-mode dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with subring-cavity and superimposed fiber Bragg gratings” Laser Physics Letters (2014) 11(12) 125106
[5] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Shou Liu, Wanjing Peng, Siyu Tan, Yunlong Bai and Yan Bai ”Switchable and wavelength-spacing-tunable single-frequency and single-polarization dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser based on a compound-cavity structure” Laser Physics (2014) 24(8) 085101
[6] Rongxiang Zhang, X. Steve Yao, Tiegen Liu, Lin Li. The effect of linear birefringence on fiber
optic current sensor based on Faraday mirror[J]. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2014, 9274.
[1] Zhihong Li, Zhuo Meng,Tiegen Liu, and X. Steve Yao.”A novel method for determining and improving the quality of a quadrupolar fiber gyro coil under temperature variations” OPTICS EXPRESS(2013)Jan 28;21(2):2521-30
[2] Ting Feng, Micah H. Jenkins, Fengping Yan and Thomas K. Gaylord "Joint Residual stress/refractive index characterization of large-mode-area erbium-doped fibers" Journal of Lightwave Technology (2013) 31(14) 2426-2433
[3] Ting Feng, Micah H. Jenkins, Fengping Yan and Thomas K. Gaylord "Arc fusion splicing effects in large-mode-area single-mode ytterbium-doped fibers" Appied Optics (2013) 52(32) 7706-7711
[4] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Qi Li, Wanjing Peng, Siyu Tan, Suchun Feng, Peng Liu and Xiaodong Wen "A stable wavelength-tunable single frequency and single polarization linear cavity erbium-doped fiber laser" Laser Physics (2013) 23(1) 025101
[5] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Qi Li, Wanjing Peng, Suchun Feng, Siyu Tan and Xiaodong Wen "Stable single longitudinal mode erbium-doped silica fiber laser based on asymmetric linear three-cavity structure" Chinese Physics B (2013) 22(1) 014208
[6] Zhenyang Ding, X. Steve Yao, Tiegen Liu, Yang Du, Kun Liu, Junfeng Jiang, Zhuo Meng,
Hongxin Chen. Compensation of laser frequency tuning nonlinearity of a long range OFDR
using deskew filter[J]. Optics Express, 2013, 21(3):3826-34.
[7] Zhihong Li, Zhou Meng, Tiegen Liu, X. Steve Yao. A novel method for determining and
improving the quality of a quadrupolar fiber gyro coil under temperature variations[J]. Optics
Express, 2013, 21(2): 2521-2530.
[8] 王龙志, 姚晓天, 孟卓, 刘铁根, 李志宏, 石博雅, 苏亚, 张荣香, 刘文辉. 基于自适应多尺度Retinex的光学相干层析图像衰减补偿算法[J], 中国雷射, 2013, 40 (12): 1204001.
[1] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Wanjing Peng, Qi Li, Siyu Tan, Jing wang and Xiaodong Wen "Theoretical analysis of characteristics for 2 μm Tm3+:Ho3+ co-doped silica fiber laser pumped by a 1550 nm fiber laser" Optical Fiber Technology (2012) 18(4) 204-208
[2] Ting Feng, Fengping Yan, Qi Li, Wanjing Peng, Suchun Feng, Xiaodong Wen, Peng Liu and Siyu Tan "Stable and high OSNR compound linear-cavity single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped silica fiber laser based on an asymmetric four-cavity structure" Chinese Physics Letters (2012) 29(10) 104205
[3] Zhenyang Ding, X. Steve Yao, Tiegen Liu, Yang Du, Kun Liu, Zhuo Meng, Hongxin Chen. Long-range vibration sensor based on correlation analysis of optical frequency-domain reflectometry signals[J]. Optics Express, 2012, 20(27): 28319-28329.
[4] Longzhi Wang, Zhuo Meng, X. Steve Yao, Tiegen Liu, Ya Su, Mingliang Qin. Adaptive Speckle Reduction in OCT Volume Data Based on Block-Matching and 3-D Filtering. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2012, 24 (20): 1802-1804.
[1] 杨丽君,马立金,吕东启,张连水.” 四能级系统中相位控制电磁诱导透明研究” 物理学报(2011) 60(10):297-301
[1] X. Steve Yao, Xiaojun Chen, T. J. Xia, Glenn Wellbrock, David Chen, Daniel Peterson, Paul
Zhang, Ansel Belisle, Lei Dong, Tao Yu. In-service light path PMD (polarization mode dispersion)monitoring by PMD compensation[J]. Optics Express, 2010, 18(26), 27306-27318.
[2] X. Steve Yao, Xiaojun Chen, Tiegen Liu. High accuracy polarization measurements using binary polarization rotators[J]. Optics Express, 2010, 18(7): 6667-6685.
[3] Zhuo Meng, X. Steve Yao, Hui Yao, Guanhua Wang. Detecting Early Artificial Caries by Using Optical Coherence Tomography[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2010, 37(11):2709-2713.
[4] Zhenyang Ding, X. Steve Yao, Tiegen Liu, Guangyao Li. Improving the quality of polarization-maintaining fiber coils using distributed polarization crosstalk testing[J]. Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 2010, 21(3):430-434.
[5] Lijun Yang, Min Zhao, Lianshui Zhang, Xiaomin Feng, Xiaoli Li, Changjiang Wei. ” Quantum coherence in A-three-level system driven by bichromatic coupling” Chinese Physics B(2010) 19(8):406-410
[6] Hongxin Su, Yifan Geng, Zelin Guan, Qinglin Guo. Optimum design of DBR Er/Yb co-doped double cladding fiber laser. Proc. SPIE (2010) 7843: 7843Q1-8
[7] 杨丽君, 赵敏, 张连水, 曲宇宁. 双强耦合场驱动下的探测吸收光谱[J]. 雷射与光电子学进展, 2010, 47(5):130-134
[8] 苏红新, 耿一璠, 关泽琳. 硅基拉曼雷射器浅谈[J]. 物理, 2010: 90-91.