- 中文名吴至友
- 国籍中国
- 民族汉
- 职业教师
- 主要成就重庆师範学院运筹学与控制论专业硕士生导师。
2007年3月被聘为澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学博士生导师 - 研究方向非线性规划、最最佳化理论与算法
- 职称教授
2007年3月被聘为澳大利亚巴拉瑞特大学博士生导师(principal supervisor)。
国际刊物《Pacific Journal of Optimization》客座主编(2007年)
1.06.2008-05.2009,Global optimality conditions and global optimization,德国洪堡基金,独立承担;
4.01.2007—12.2010,Filled function methods for global optimization and their applications, Australia Research Council Project Grant(澳大利亚研究委员会计项目), 独立承担;
7.01.2004-12.2005,全局最佳化中的凸化、凹化方法,重庆师範大学项目, 负责;
8.01.2008-12.2010, 国家自然科学基金,参加者;
9.01.2005-12.2007,广义凸性和向量最最佳化 (10471159), 国家自然科学基金, 2005-2007, 参加者;
10.01.2005-12.2006,多目标决策理论(01105), 重庆市自然科学基金重点项目,2005-2006,参加者;
11.01.2004-12.2006,非线性规划中的可分精确罚函式方法(2004036105),国家博士后基金, 参加者;
12.01.2003-12.2005,简单光滑精确罚函式和非线性对偶理论(10271073), 国家自然科学基金, 参加者;
13.01.2001-12.2003,连续和整规划的简单光滑精确罚函式及非线性对偶理论,上海市教委项目, 参加者。
1.December 9 -11, 2004, Ballarat, Australia, ICOTA 6, 做了如下三个报告
(1). A Filled Function Method for Constrained Global Optimization
(2).Convexification and Concavification for a Class of Non-monotone Optimization Problems
(3). Lower order calmness and exact penalty function.
2.Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2005, Singapore, The Third Sino-Japan Optimization meeting, 报告题目为: Sufficient Conditions for Global Optimality of Bivalent Nonconvex Quadratic Programs.
3.May 29-June 1, 2006, Shanghai, China, The International Conference on Nonlinear Programming with Applications, 报告题目为: Global Optimality Conditions for Quadratic Optimization Problems
4.November 28-30, 2006, Ballarat, Australia, 5th Ballarat Workshop on Global and Non-Smooth Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications, 邀请报告,报告题目为: Global Optimality Conditions for Some Kinds of Programming Problems
5.December 4-7, 2006, Singapore, IEEE APCCAS 2006, 主持如下的分会 global optimization and its applications,并做了如下的报告 Global Optimization Methods for Nonlinear Equations.
6.December 12-16, Kobe, Japan, ICOTA 7: The 7th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications. The title of talk: Global Optimality Conditions for some Classes of Optimization Problems.
7.December 16-18, Shanghai, China. : The 3rd China-Australia Workshop on Optimization Theory, Methods and Applications. Local Committee Member. The title of talk: Global optimality conditions and global optimization methods for quadratic programming problems.
Zhiyou Wu, Xinmin Yang, Xiaoling Sun (guest editors), Pacific Journal of Optimization, 1, 2008, special issue dedicated to Professor L.S. Zhang.
1. Z.Y. Wu and C.R. Sun, An Unconstrained Convex Programming Approach to Semi-infinite Convex Programming, Mathematical methods of Operations Research (accepted). (SCI)
2. Z.Y. Wu and F.S. Bai, Global optimality Conditions for Mixed Nonconvex Quadratic Programs, Optimization (accepted). (SCI)
3. F.S. Bai, Z.Y. Wu and D.L. Zhu. Sequential Lagrange Multiplier Condition for $\epsilon$-Optimal Solution in Convex Programming, Optimization (accepted). (SCI)
4. F.S. Bai, M. Mammadov, Z.Y. Wu and Y.J. Yang, A Filled Function Method for Constrained Nonlinear Equations, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 4(1),9-18,2008.
5. Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J. Lee, F.S. Bai and Y.J. Yang, A filled function methods for constrained global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 39(4), 495-507, 2007. (SCI)
6. Z.Y. Wu, Sufficient Global Optimality Conditions for Weakly Convex Minimization Problems,Journal of Global Optimization, 39(3),427-440,2007. (SCI)
7. V. Jeyakumar, Z.Y. Wu. A Dual Criterion for Maximal Monotonicity of Composition Operators, Set-valued Analysis, 15(3),265-273,2007. (SCI)
8. A. Rubinov, Z.Y. Wu. Optimality conditions in global optimization and their applicatis, Mathematical Programming(B), Published online: (SCI)
9. Z.Y. Wu, M. Mammadov, F.S. Bai and Y.J. Yang, A Filled Function Method for Nonlinear Equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189, 1196-1204, 2007. (SCI)
10. Z. Y. Wu, D. Li, L.S. Zhang, X.M. Yang. Peeling off a nonconvex cover of an actual convex problem: hidden convexity, SIAM on Optimization, 18(2), 507-536, 2007. (SCI)
11. V. Jeyakumar, A. M. Rubinov, Z.Y. Wu. Global Optimality Conditions for Non-convex Quadratic Minimization Problems with Quadratic Constraints, Mathematical Programming, series A, 521-541, 110, 2007. (SCI)
12. Z.Y. Wu, V. Jeyakumar, A. M. Rubinov, Sufficient Conditions for Globally Optimality of Bivalent Nonconvex Quadratic Programs, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 133, 123-130, 2007. (SCI)
13. Z. Y. Wu and L.S.Zhang. The Approximate Global Optimal Solution for Some Constrained Programming Problems, O.R. Transaction, 12(1), 1-17, 2007.
14. V. Jeyakumar, A. M. Rubinov, Z.Y. Wu. Generalized Fenchel's Conjugation Formula and Duality for Abstract Convex Functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 132, 441-458, 2007. (SCI)
15. V. Jeyakumar, Z.Y. Wu.Conditions for Global Optimality of quadratic minimization problems with LMI constraints, Asis-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 24(2), 149-160, 2007.(SCI)
16. Z. Y. Wu, M. Mammadov and F. S. Bai. A Filled Function Method for Box-constrained System of Nonlinear Equations, Proceeding of conference: 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 623-626, 2006. (EI)
17. Z .Y. Wu, Y.H. Gu. A Recursive Digital Filter Design using Global Optimization Technique, Proceeding of conference: 2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 931-634, 2006. (EI)
18. V. Jeyakumar, A. M. Rubinov, Z.Y. Wu. Sufficient global optimality conditions for non-convex quadratic minimization problems with box constraints, Journal of Global Optimization, 36(3), 471-481, 2006. (SCI)
19. V. Jeyakumar, Z.Y. Wu. A qualification free sequential pshenichnyi-Rockafellar lemma and convex semidefinite programming, Journal of Convex Analysis, 13(3), 773-784, 2006. (SCI)
20. V. Jeyakumar, M. Thera, Z.Y. Wu. Asymtotic sums of monotone operators, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2(3), 591-598, 2006.
21. V. Jeyakumar, Z. Y. Wu, G. M. Lee, N. Dinh. Liberating the subgradient optimality conditions from constraint qualifications, Journal of Global Optimization,36(1),127-137,2006. (SCI)
22. F. S. Bai, Z.Y. Wu. A Novel Monotonization for Some Classes of Global Optimization Problems, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,23(3), 371-392, 2006. (SCI)
23. F.S. Bai, Z.Y. Wu. Convexification and Concavification for a Class of Non-monotone Optimization Problems, Pacific Journal of Optimization,2(2): 205-223, 2006.
24. R.S. Burachik, V. Jeyakumar, Z.Y. Wu. Necessary and sufficient conditions for stable conjugate duality, Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 64(9), 1998-2006, 2006. (SCI)
25. F.S. Bai, Z.Y. Wu , D.L. Zhu. Lower order calmness and exact penalty function, Optimization Method and Software,21(4), 515-525, 2006. (SCI)
26. Y. H. Gu, Z.Y. Wu. A new filled function method for nonlinear integer programming problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 173(2), 938-950, 2006. (SCI)
27. 吴至友,白富生,一种新的求全局最佳化最优性条件的方法. 重庆师範大学学报(自然科学版),23(1), 1-5, 2006.
28. Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J.Lee, L.S. Zhang and X. M. Yang, A novel filled function method and quasi-filled function method for global optimization, Journal of Computational Optimization and Applications, 34(2), 249-272, 2006. ISSN: 1573-2894 Available at: DOI: 10.1007/s10589-005-3077-9 (SCI)
29. Z.Y. Wu, F.S. Bai, L.S. Zhang. Monotonization in global optimization, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 26 B(3), 475-490,2005 . (SCI)
30. Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J. Lee, F.S. Bai and L.S. Zhang, Quadratic Smoothing Approximation to Exact Penalty Function in Global Optimization, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 1(4): 533-547, 2005. (SCI)
31. Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J. Lee and X. M. Yang, A class of convexification and concavification methods for non-monotone optimization problems, Optimization, 54(6),605-625, 2005. (SCI)
32. A.M. Rubinov, Z.Y. Wu, D. Li, Hidden abstract convex functions, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis,6(1),2005, 203-216.
33.Z.Y. Wu, L.S. Zhang, K.L. Teo, F.S. Bai. A new modified function method for global optimization, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,125(1), 2005, 181-203. ISSN: 1573-2878 Available at: DOI: 10.1007/s10957-004-1718-2.(SCI)
34. Z.Y. Wu, FS. Bai, LS. Zhang. Convexification, concavification for some classes of global optimization problems, Journal of Global Optimization,31(1), 2005, 45-60. ISSN: 1573-2916 Available at: DOI: 10.1007/s10898-004-0569-6.(SCI)
35. D. Li, Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J. Lee, X.M. Yang, L.S. Zhang. Hidden convex minimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 31(2), 2005, 211-233. ISSN: 1573-2916 Available at: DOI: 10.1007/s10898-004-5697-5.(SCI)
36. Z.Y. Wu, F.S. Bai, X.Q. Yang, L.S. Zhang. An exact lower order penalty function and its smoothing in nonlinear programming. Optimization , 53(1), 2004, 51-68. (SCI)
37. X.M. Yang, Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J. Lee, A note on local convexity of the p-power Lagrangian function in nonconvex optimization, Indian J. pure appl. Math., 35(1), 2004, 57-60. (SCI)
38. D. Li, Z.Y. Wu, H.W.J. Lee, X.M. Yang, L.S. Zhang. Identification of hidden convex minimization problems, Generalized convexity, generalized monotonicity and applications, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 77, Springer, New York, 2005, 299—309.
39. F.S. Bai, Z.Y. Wu, L.S. Zhang. Exact penalty function and asymptotic strong nonlinear duality in integer programming, ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICA, 20(1), 45-52, 2004.
40. Z.Y. Wu, L.S. Zhang, F.S. Bai, X.M. Yang. Convexification and concavification methods for some global optimization problems, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 17(3), 2004, 421-436.
41. F.S. Bai, L.S. Zhang, Z.Y. Wu. The genaral penalty function in integer programming, Journal of Shanghai University, 8(1), 2004, 19-23.
42. Z.Y. Wu, L.S. Zhang, S.L. Li, The global optimization for some classes of programming problems, O.R. Transaction, 7(2), 2003 , 9-20.
43. 朱国会, 吴至友,非单调规划的一种新的单调化方法. 重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版), 22(2),176-178, 2005.
44. 全靖,吴至友,单调最佳化的一种新的凸化,凹化方法. 重庆师範大学学报(自然科学版), 21(4), 10-12, 2004.
45. 吴至友, 夏雪. 积分第二中值定理“中间点”的渐进性. 数学的实践与认识, 34(3), 2004, 170-176.
46. 吴至友,非线性规划的单调化方法,重庆师範大学学报(自然科学版), 21(2), 2004, 4-7.
47. 吴至友, 彭建文, 于辉. 一类二层最佳化问题的极大熵方法. 运筹学学报, 7(1), 78-82, 2003.
48. 吴至友, 于辉, 彭建文. 下层规划带线性约束的二层规划问题. 重庆师範学院学报, 17(3), 24—27, 2000.
49. 吴至友, 彭建文, 于辉. 带线性约束的二层规划问题. 西南师大学报, 25(2), 134—137, 2000.
50. 吴至友, 于辉, 彭建文. 关于半无限规划的近似计算方法. 重庆师範学院学报, 17(2), 22-26, 2000.
51. 吴至友, 单阶段随机规划的一种近似计算方法. 重庆师範学院学报, 17(1), 23-28, 2000.
52. 吴至友, 彭建文. 关于目标混合型的多目标规划的弱非劣解的近似计算方法.重庆工业大学学报, 14(1), 2000.
53. 吴至友. 一类特殊的非线性Minimax 问题的算法. 重庆师範学院学报, 16(4), 21-24, 1999.
54. 吴至友. 目标混合型且带约束的多目标最优决策及其套用. 重庆师範学院学报, 16(3), 31-34, 1999.
55. 吴至友, 于辉. 含有非光滑函式的一类无约束问题的ε-最优解. 重庆师範学院学报, 16(2), 1999.