看书用英语怎么说 看书用英语如何说
生活百科 2023-02-18 16:09生活百科www.aizhengw.cn
1、看书的英语Read a book.
3、相关短语Read Like A Book 一目了然.
read in a book 在一本书中看到.
Read a new book 阅读一本新书.
Read A Good Book 读一本好书.
4、相关例句I never read a book before review it; it prejudice one so.我对一本书在作出书评之前决不看它,因为先看了会使人染上偏见。
5、Lets turn the television off, Id sooner read a book.咱们把电视机关上吧,我宁愿看本书。
6、I need glasses when I read a book.我看书时需要眼镜。
7、It is too dark in this room for me to read a book.房间太暗,使我无法看书。