ISO/IEC 18000-64 是国际标準组织2012年发布的超高频RFID空中接口协定标準。其全称为Information technology — Radio frequency identification for item management Part 64: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type D。
- 中文名信息技术.品项管理的射频识别.第64部分:860MHz到960MHzD型空中接口通信用参数b
- 外文名Informationtechnology-Radiofrequencyidentificationforitemmanagement-Part64:Parametersforairinterfacecommunicationsat860MHzto960MHzTypeD
- 发布日期2012-07-15
- 发布单位国际标準化组织(IX-ISO)
- 起草单位ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31
- 国际标準分类35.040
- 页数43
- 标準号ISO/IEC18000-64-2012
ISO/IEC 18000-64 是国际标準组织2012年发布的超高频RFID空中接口协定标準。其全称为Information technology — Radio frequency identification for item management Part 64: Parameters for air interface communications at 860 MHz to 960 MHz Type D。
中文全名为信息技术.品项管理的射频识别.第64部分:860 MHz到960 MHzD型空中接口通信参数。
ISO/IEC 18000-642012 定义了工业、科学和医学(ISM)和医疗品项管理套用的860到960MHz超高频无线电频率识别(RFID)空中接口参数。该标準提供了一个共遵循的RFID设备技术规格,该标準可以用ISO成员制定RFID套用标準时参考。
ISO/IEC 18000-64标準是为适应日益增长的国际RFID市场需求,提供了一种具有兼容性和互操作性的标準。
ISO/IEC 18000-64定义了前向和返回链路的技术特徵,包括链路参数,但不限于,工作频率,工作通道精度,占用信道频宽,最大等效全向全向辐射功率,杂散发射,调製,占空比,数据编码,比特率,比特率精度,比特传输顺序,并在适当情况下的工作通道,跳频速率,跳频序列,扩展序列,以及码片速率。该标準还进一步定义了空中接口所用的通信参数。
ISO/IEC 18000-64规定了标籤听后再讲(TOTAL)RFID系统的无源反向散射标籤所需的物理和逻辑需求。系统包括读写器和电子标籤。阅读器通过传送连续的载波信号(CW),并接收电子标籤反向散射的信息;电子标籤通过调製标籤天线的反射係数进行相应,从而向阅读器传输信息。系统工作模式为TOTAL,意味着电子标籤进入阅读器能量场后,需要先监听阅读器调製信号以判断RFID系统是否阅读器先讲(ITF),如果不是才会对标籤天线进行调製。
读写器从标籤接收由传送的连续波载波信号到所述标籤信息,该标籤回响通过调製它的天线的反射係数,从而向散射的信息信号到读写器。 该系统是TOTAL模式,意味着电子标籤进入阅读器能量场后,需要家庭阅读器的发射信号以便确定是阅读器先讲模式或者其他,从而决定是否传送调製信息。
ISO/IEC 18000-64 D型包含
D型 TOTAL 基于脉冲位置编码(Pulse Position Encoding)或者副载波M=2的米勒编码。
ISO/IEC 18000-64规定了
- 物理互动层 阅读器和电子标籤之间的通信链路层
- 电子标籤和阅读器之间的操作程式
- 在对阅读器场合实现特定标籤读取的防碰撞算法。
- ISO/IEC 18000-64:2012 defines the air interface for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the 860 MHz to 960 MHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band used in item management applications. It provides a common technical specification for RFID devices that can be used by ISO committees developing RFID application standards.
- It is intended to allow for compatibility and to encourage inter-operability of products for the growing RFID market in the international marketplace. It defines the forward and return link parameters for technical attributes including, but not limited to, operating frequency, operating channel accuracy, occupied channel bandwidth, maximum effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), spurious emissions, modulation, duty cycle, data coding, bit rate, bit rate accuracy, bit transmission order, and, where appropriate, operating channels, frequency hop rate, hop sequence, spreading sequence, and chip rate. It further defines the communications protocol used in the air interface.
- ISO/IEC 18000-64:2012 specifies the physical and logical requirements for a passive-backscatter, Tag Only Talks After Listening (TOTAL) RFID system. The system comprises Interrogators, also known as readers, and tags, also known as labels. An Interrogator receives information from a tag by transmitting a continuous-wave (CW) RF signal to the tag; the tag responds by modulating the reflection coefficient of its antenna, thereby backscattering an information signal to the Interrogator. The system is TOTAL, meaning that a tag modulates its antenna reflection coefficient with an information signal upon entering an Interrogator's field after first listening for Interrogator modulation in order to determine if the system is ITF or not.
- ISO/IEC 18000-64:2012 contains Type D.
- Type D is TOTAL based on Pulse Position Encoding or Miller M=2 encoded subcarrier.
- ISO/IEC 18000-64:2012 specifies
- physical interactions (the signalling layer of the communication link) between Interrogators and tags,
- Interrogator and tag operating procedures,
- the collision arbitration scheme used to identify a specific tag in a multiple-tag environment.